Recently, while at home for a few sick days with just my dog, Leo, I realized I could learn a lot from him. If you […]
It is in the shelter of each other that people live. ~ Irish Proverb
This is one of my favorite quotes and it always pops up for me during the month of March, when we celebrate the Irish. St […]
The Best Things in Life
It’s the holiday season and it feels like we are bombarded, even more than normal, on Social Media and advertisements with the importance of material, […]
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” ~Mary Oliver
As I approach another birthday next month, I’m thinking even more about how quickly time flies. In the past year alone we’ve experienced both the […]
The Pain of Regret
How many of us have wish we could go back in time and do something in our life completely different? Sometimes when experiencing regret from […]
“What you resist, persists.” ~ Carl Jung
Swiss Psychiatrist Carl Jung said, “What you resist, persists.” This principal is simple to understand, but a little more difficult to integrate into your everyday […]
Just when the caterpillar thought its life was over…it became a butterfly. ~proverb
At a certain time, the caterpillar wraps itself in a cocoon called a chrysalis and begins the process of metamorphosis into its next form – […]
A Life Well Lived: Reflections of My Mother
My mom passed away last week at 89 years old, and I was tasked with giving the eulogy at her funeral mass. Below is some […]
2021: Intentions Rather than Resolutions
Happy New Year…we made it to 2021! Instead of New Year’s resolutions on what to start and stop doing, here’s some ideas of good intentions […]
Forgiveness, the Gift You Give Yourself
It is said that a grudge is the heaviest thing you can carry. If someone has hurt you in any way, forgiving them is the […]